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How to Update a Porch in 10 Steps, A Beach Cabin Update (ORC Week 3)

Snow in April

Why am I always surprised when it snows in April? It seems like it always snows in April in Michigan. So, I’m just going to use the snow as my excuse for minimal progress on the Beach Cabin Porch. As such, a good old list is in order to get me organized and motivated. Keep reading for my plan on How to Update a Porch in 10 Steps.

The Update

I did make it out to the Beach Cabin on Monday to measure, check out the tree that fell across our driveway (add that to the list of things to do), and sand. And change my mind a gazillion times about the furniture, paint, amount of work and time and money that should be allotted for this project, etc. etc.

Michigan snow

The one thing that I didn’t realize I felt so strongly about was the porch swing. It is staying. In the two short summers that we’ve been at the Beach Cabin, I have snapshots of the kids on that swing, relaxing, swinging as high as they could with 5 kids squeezed onto the bench. Laughing, laughing, laughing. So, while it may not be the best design decision or space saver (we have to give a lot of room behind so it doesn’t bump into the screen), the memories made and to-be-made won out on this one. New cushions and a rope to replace the chain will give this corner a little refresh.

Porch Swing BEFORE at the Beach Cabin

When measuring, it was determined that a sectional will be too cramped, especially with the porch swing in play. That left me with the couch and side chair option to maximize seating. I decided to go with a store that I know, trust, and usually has pieces I can sit on in the store. The length of the couch fits perfectly, and there is even room for an additional chair in the corner. The set will be broken up by a coffee table (not pictured) that we will hopefully find at a local antique store.

How to Update a Porch in 10 Steps #porchupdate #porches
These links are affiliate links, meaning that if you click and purchase, I may receive some compensation- thank you! :  sofa | chair | accent table | wall lighting

In an attempt to get organized and now squeeze 6 weeks of work into 3 weeks, I made a list of the order of things to accomplish. Since I like to make a list on which I can check some boxes off immediately, I included the things I’ve already done 😉

The List

1) Measure the space for furniture and rugs. 

2) Order the furniture. I will likely go into the store to work out the delivery options and timeline given the location of the Beach Cabin. I’ve learned the hard way (with other stores, not this one!) that I work best when I have a point person at the store who I can call. No more pushing buttons so many times, being transferred around too times, and having to provide the exact same information to several different people. 

3) Sand the walls and floors. I used an electric sander and the job went pretty quickly.

4) Paint the walls. The walls will be matched to the color of the window frames for an more cohesive look. I was fortunate to find a paint can in the owner’s closet with the color. I believe that it is Nantucket Gray and, of course, I  love that it is part of Benjamin Moore’s Historical Collection.

5) Paint the floors. Get ready… this is going to shock you, given the floors that I painted in the Guest Bedroom and the Sleeper Attic (you can check them out here and here). The floors will be Wescott Navy. 

6) Buy an outdoor light fixture and schedule a professional to install it.

7) Go rug shopping. Check. I actually just purchased this one… and it was still on sale at the time I published this post… I’m so excited! It’s my first purchase from McGee & Co! I also love the name of the rug, considering Monterey is definitely a favorite vacation spot for us!

8) Get a coffee table at a local antique store and either purchase the side table pictured or find something similar while antiquing. Fortunately, there are a good number of stores in the area to visit. Side note: I now carry a tape measure around in my purse. It originally started because the tape measures kept disappearing, so I was trying to keep them where I could find them. However, countless times now, I’ve found it incredibly handy to just pull out my tape measure. Anyone else out there carry tape measures in their purses? I can’t be the only one- haha!

9) Add a new cushion to the porch swing and swap out the chain for a rope.

10) Put it all together and accessorize with planters, plants, etc.

The Send Off

Well… that’s the plan! Again, everything is subject to change. But, at least there is a plan…

And, in the meantime, don’t forget to check out the other participants’ progress here.

One Room Challenge