
One Room Challenge: The Beach Cabin Attic Makeover

Hi all and Happy almost-Friday! I hastily decided to join as a guest participant with the One Room Challenge, which is a 6-week challenge to makeover a room. You can check out all of the guests here. The challenge seemed to come at the perfect time for me…just when I needed a little motivation to get started on the Sleeper Attic Makeover at the Beach Cabin before the first snowfall when roads close and pipes freeze- yikes! If you are new here Welcome!), here are a few posts about some other projects we’ve completed at the Beach Cabin (Kitchen |Living Room |Guest Room |Bathroom). 

The attic seems daunting and I’m not sure why. It’s a great space and perfect for cousins and friends! There are just So.Many.Cute attics all over Pinterest, and, with an old (over 100 years) cabin and a six-week timeline, I’m already putting some unnecessary pressure on this space. Another thing that has my head spinning is the layout of the beds (we are keeping the current ones) and the limited ability to add headboards due to the low ceiling. Eventually, it would be amazing to add a small bathroom up there in order to eliminate the need to go up and down the stairs, especially at night… but I’m saving that for another day and another dollar. 

Anyway, here is the before of the attic that was taken by the previous owners prior to our purchase of the cabin.

Attic Makeover BeforeAttic Makeover Before

And, here is what we did to make it our own until we were able to get to the space and really pay attention to it. You can see that we swapped out the florescent lighting, rearranged the beds, incorporated a little seating area, and added some of the Pottery Barn quilts I had been hoarding “just in case we ever purchase a cottage.” We also added a safety gate at the top of the stairway. 

Attic Makeover ProgressAttic Makeover Progress

During the next six weeks, I hope to add a bit of a coastal feel as well as some fun features for the kids to make it even more fun to hang out up there. 

Anyway, here is my quickly put together plan! I hope that I can somehow make it work out but am not ready to promise anything just yet (and also my rooms rarely turn out like the original plan- oh well!). 

Beach Cabin Attic Makeover

[Affiliate links: Wall Paper | Headboards | Rug |  Teepee |String Lights]

One Room Challenge