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Friday Finds on Mackinaw Road: The Perfect Holiday Appetizer and Old/New Christmas Decor

Good morning! Hope you all had a good week!! Despite the extra time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am scrambling. We aren’t hosting Christmas this year but of course that hasn’t stopped me from starting to decorate our Christmas table (more on that later). 

The Perfect Holiday Appetizers | Savouries #holidayappetizers #appetizers #savouries

While we are talking holidays, let me just share my favorite holiday appetizer recipe. To be honest, I started making these Fig and Blue Cheese Savouries this summer. They are great for hosting or bringing with you when you are a guest. With four simple household ingredients (and one fancy one), you really can’t go wrong. I originally thought this was my mom’s friend’s recipe, but a quick internet search proved otherwise- haha! Oh well…anyway, here is the link to the recipe. Given that I’m usually in a rush and also not the best when it comes to details in cooking and baking, I have altered the process a bit. The results are a bit more… a-hem… rustic… but the taste is the same and I think that they are still quite pretty. Per my mom’s recipe card, instead of cutting perfectly round savouries, I just roll the dough into a log with my hands, refrigerate for a bit, and cut to the desired (my alteration) thickness. Easy peasy. 

The Perfect Holiday Appetizers | Savouries #holidayappetizers #appetizers #savouries

This year, I am also excited about a few new Christmas decor purchases. While I think I tend to lean toward the minimalist side of things, when it comes to Christmas decorations, I just can’t stop myself. Even better when I find hooks and nails that were put up by the previous owners. The hook above our window worked perfectly for the new wreath. 

The Perfect Christmas Decor | Old and New Christmas Decorations #holidaydecor #Christmasdecorations

I am late to the snow shoe game, but since I love the look, I just went for it and grabbed some at a local antique store. They probably won’t stay by the door for the duration of the holiday break, but they made for a nice photo nonetheless 😉 And, if we can ever figure out the frozen pipe situation at the Beach Cabin, they would go perfectly there, too.

The Perfect Christmas Decor | Old and New Christmas Decorations #holidaydecor #Christmasdecorations

I had planned to share some fun things to do in Chicago in this post, but will probably save that for next week- I’m off to decorate some Gingerbread Houses with some kindergartners! Have a great weekend everyone!! And I’ll just leave you with this perfect table right in the middle of the city… Would you have your Christmas Dinner here? (If it were allowed of course-ha!)

If you are headed to Chicago with Kids between now and then, check out this post. We honestly don’t alter our plans too much year to year, creatures of habit that we are.

Like the Christmas Tree sign? Check out the link below for sources. And read this post for more of my Christmas wooden sign obsessions. 

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